Radio Frequency Microneedling

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Radio Frequency Microneedling

Radio Frequency Microneedling


Revitalize your skin! Tighten skin, reduce scarring, and remove fine lines and wrinkles with Morpheus8 by InMode. This revolutionary technology combines micro-needling with radio frequency. The microneedles penetrate the skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing process, returning a fresh, youthful look to your skin. The radio frequency heats the deeper layers of the skin to precise temperatures that cause the fibroseptal network to contract and pull your skin tight.


We will use provider-recommend numbing protocol during the treatment to ensure there is minimal to no discomfort.

Depending on the area, Morpheus8 typically takes 30-60 minutes after 45 minutes of numbing.

Results will start to appear as early as a week after your first treatment and continue to improve for months as your skin heals and new collagen is formed.

There is a little bit of redness and possibly some swelling, but nothing that will prohibit you from your daily activities. Some patients who receive the treatment on their face may want to take a weekend off.

We typically recommend a series of three treatments spaced one month apart, but most people notice results after one treatment. We will customize the number of treatments to you!

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